How to treat athlete’s foot, a common disease during the rainy season and flooding. We can use some medicines or herbs to relieve the symptoms.

Athlete’s foot or Hong Kong foot is a skin disease that is often found in humid weather conditions, such as during the rainy season or during floods when one has to walk through water, causing the feet to be moist, suitable for the growth of fungus. If left untreated, the disease can spread and become infected. Today I would like to invite you to read about how to treat athlete’s foot, what medicine to use , or what kind of herbs to use to treat athlete’s foot, along with how to prevent it from coming back.
What causes athlete’s foot?
Athlete’s foot , or Hong Kong foot, is a condition in which the skin on the feet becomes rotten and peels because of moisture, allowing fungus to grow. It usually occurs in the gaps between the toes, which are the places where the most dirt is collected. The factors are as follows:
- Humid environments, such as wearing damp shoes, wearing damp socks, regularly exposing your feet to water, and walking through floodwater.
- Infected with fungus from public places such as showers, swimming pools, or wet areas.
- The rubbing of the feet against shoes or frequent walking can cause cracks in the skin on the feet, which is an entry point for fungus.
- Sweating in the soles of the feet causes the feet to be moist all the time.
What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?
Symptoms of athlete’s foot are divided into 2 stages:
Early symptoms
This is a stage that has only recently occurred for 1-3 days. Symptoms include feet that are rotten, itchy, irritated, burning, red and peeling skin, especially in the spaces between the toes. However, there is no bacterial or fungal infection yet. The cause is from skin coming into contact with water for a long time.
Infectious symptoms
If the infection persists for more than 3 days, there may also be an infection. Symptoms vary depending on the type of infection that enters the wound.
- Bacterial infection: There are sores on the skin. The rash on the feet is swollen, red, hot, has pus, is painful, and may be accompanied by fever.
- Fungus: This usually occurs in people who have soaked in water for a long time. The skin will have white, wet flakes, peeling in circles, with a foul odor and itching. Small blisters may also appear, along with a history of more than 2 weeks.
How to treat athlete’s foot? What medicine should I use?
The treatment for athlete’s foot depends on the stage of the condition:
How to treat athlete’s foot in the early stages
In the first 1-3 days, it is a period where there is no infection and it is not long. It can be treated with this method.
- Wash your feet thoroughly with soap and dry them thoroughly, especially the gaps between your toes.
- Use a mild steroid cream such as triamcinolone cream or betamethasone cream, apply thinly to the affected area 2-3 times a day. Treatment period is approximately 1-2 weeks.
- If you have to go outside, choose shoes that are breathable.
How to treat bacterial athlete’s foot
In cases where it is not yet serious
- Clean the wound with saline solution by mixing 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 liter of warm water. Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes, twice a day.
- After soaking in salt water, the feet should be thoroughly dried and the wound should be treated with an antiseptic such as Betadine, Povidone, Iodine or Whitfield’s ointment 2-3 times a day.
- Do not use topical steroids on areas with bacterial infection, as this will further aggravate the infection.
*In severe cases
Severe bacterial athlete’s foot, with severe swelling, pain, and fever, should be seen by a doctor. The doctor will prescribe oral cloxacillin or dicloxacillin and may give an injection of antibiotics to kill the bacteria.
How to treat fungal athlete’s foot
In cases where it is not yet serious
- Wash your feet with soap and dry them thoroughly.
- Apply antifungal medication such as Whitfield’s ointment, ketoconazole cream, or clotrimazole cream to the affected area 2-3 times a day for about 1-2 months.
- Do not use topical steroids on areas with fungal infection, as this will further spread the infection.
/In severe cases
In those who do not get better after applying the medication or have a nail infection, they should see a doctor so that the doctor can prescribe the appropriate medication. The doctor may consider prescribing oral antifungal medications, such as griseofulvin, itraconazole,ufabet and fluconazole.